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Luxury Luxurious Massage, House Call Massage, Licensed Massage Therapist, In Home Massage, Professional Massage, Medical Massage Treatments, Medical Massage, Physical Therapy, Parkinson

For those healthy enough to benefit from The Method, no need to read any further, this page is only for those in Acute & Chronic Pain ...

I welcome any & all Medical Challenges.

36 Years of Education & 20,000 Sessions later you will benefit from everything they teach at school & just as importantly, everything they do not.

Specifically the Miracles that occur when a Motivated Client, meets the right Professional..

Acute & Chronic Shoulder, Neck & Back Pain, Myofascial Conditions, Sports Trauma, Athletic Plateaus, Physical Rehabilitation, etc.

Auto Immune Conditions such as Parkinsons, Multiple Sclerosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Chronic Fatique Syndrome, Peripheral Neuropathy, Lymphadema, Myasthenia Gravis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, etc.

Psychological challenges such as Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia, Sleep Disorders, Stomach & Digestive Issues, Headaches, TMJ, Migraines.

Pre & Post Surgical Massage.

Comatose Patients

Traumatic Brain Injuries

Neuro Integration Therapy

Gait Therapy

Palliative Quality of Life Treatments for the Terminally Ill.



Visitors to my site might be perplexed by the dichotomy of my being both a Healer & an Open-Hand Bodyguard fixing "complex problems" in the USA & Overseas. This quote from St Francis Del Sales (1567-1622) may help "Nothing is so Strong as Gentleness, nothing is so Gentle as Real Strength ..."


​As of October 2016, I am somewhat Retired & any new Contracts are vetted by Attorney Robert Goldberg.


Here is my schedule for Personal Protection & specific, not negotiable working requirements. Understand that as a OpenHand-BodyGuard in the USA I do not, carry Firearm Protection of any kind.


​My clients are high visibility individuals, business owners & private people & their families, whom have incurred a threat that has proven unassailable by conventional means*.


​I am not a Preventer. Nor do I provide constant close protection, my specialty is Interventional Security, I excel in solving People Problems.


In essence, I am a Fixer ...

​My clients demand a low profile & therefore utility of the "giant" bodyguard, with or without a Firearm, is unacceptable in terms of discretion & open-ended risks.


​I always work alone, with unfettered communication from the principal(s). My specialty is Threat Elimination, Single or Multiple Targets.


​I dissolve each threat in a style that is both personal & unambiguous in its communication. My low key, subtle personal appearance & worldwide experience allow me to blend in to almost all situations, allowing benign coverage but with overwhelming results that are intelligent & discreet.


​Because I work alone, I'm generally not interested in Close Protection or any Public Detail. Should we need an outer fold of associates, armed or not, I am always the Team Leader. My role is always protection of Principal(s), with Associates responsible for maintaining Peripheral Integrity.


​As additional support to supplement your Network of Target Locators, Witness Personnel & Legal, my Command Vehicle contains the very latest in Encrypted Wireless Technology to simultaneously record & upload all Contact Transactions in real time, providing all the substrate necessary for Clarification (typical in such Complicated Human Interactions), may the need arise.


​Until 2008 I was cleared at both the US State and Federal SRII Level. I possess two passports, New Zealand & United States & maintain a current FM3 for Mexico. I am fluent in English & Spanish, conversant in Japanese & have an initial working knowledge of Vietnamese, Korean, Mandarin & Cantonese.


​Hourly Fee of $775-900 plus Expenses, Cash Envelope Only, with a Minimum Contract of 6/Six Hours*.


​* Regardless of any financial remuneration, I am not interested in conditions, that are, or could be, considered ExtraLegal within the USA, it's territories, or by any host country of operation.

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